His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim, Orthodox Archbishop of Johannesburg and Pretoria, gave his blessing to an Orthodox study group to meet in Pretoria. The meetings were conducted in English and/or Afrikaans, and were intended for English- and Afrikaans-speaking Orthodox Christians in the Pretoria area, and also for people who are not Orthodox but would just like to learn more about Orthodox Christianity.Meetings of the study group were suspended because not enough people seemed to be interested, but we will be happy to start them again if anyone is interested. If you would be interested in attending such study groups, please see the "More information" sectio n below.
The Corkboard has sections for Events, Announcements, Activities and Comments. The Events section will have any special information about the next study group meeting. You can use the comments section to request topics for discussion, and see what others have said. You may also make announcements of special events in your parish etc.
There are two web forums for Orthodox Christians in Southern Africa:
Join one (or both, if you live in Gauteng) to make contact with Orthodox Christians in southern Africa. Share news, coming events, questions, problems etc. For more information about the study group contact:
Dr Stephen Hayes
Telephone: 012-333-6727 or 083-342-3563
PO Box 7648
0001 Pretoria
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Updated: 2 August 2014